These resources were all collectively created by the Children in Permaculture team. We acknowledge all of our wonderful team members in their creation.
book - earth care, people care and fair share in education
Brimming with practical examples of how to support children in connecting with themselves, each other and the growing cycle, this handbook illustrates the scope of permaculture that is relevant for children, using gardening as an entry point into wider issues of fairness and connection. Written with such a deep sense of care and consideration for the future generations, it is invaluable for parents and educators alike.
activity ideas
The database of around 800 different “Inspirations for Activities” aim to inspire educators to facilitate activities which can engage children holistically, using the ‘eyes, hands, heart and head’ approach described in the Children in Permaculture manual. Educators can then elaborate on these ideas to develop session plans based on the children’s present interests or ongoing inquiry projects. The activities are organised into the themes of the CiP curriculum and is searchable by age group, theme, sub-topic, and/or holistic planning.
case studies
There are eight case studies about engaging children in permaculture, which cover very different settings such as schools, kindergartens, an organic farm, and permaculture parenting. From six different countries across Europe. In each case study there is a description, top tips and highlights to support educators in similar circumstances to learn from their experience.
survey of resources
The first step of the Children in Permaculture project was to survey the resources which are already available about the general themes of the CiP curriculum. We analysed 316 resources (books, films, websites, lesson plans etc) in five languages. This summary report explains the findings of this research.
catalogue of resources
This is a list of books, films, websites, lesson plans, songs and other resources which can help educators (teachers, parents, forest school leaders etc.) to find out more and exchange ideas about engaging children in permaculture.
There are 5 videos about engaging children in permaculture in different ways – two short overview films, two films about the school trip from Scotland to Romania to experience permaculture there, and finally one showing children designing and creating a peace garden in a Scottish school.
To help educators present the permaculture ethics we have created a poster that you can download and put up on the walls of your classroom.
Singing is such a lovely way to pass ideas and knowledge to children. Here we have three different songs created / adapted by the CiP team about compost, permaculture ethics and soil textures.